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professor toofaanii publishers is happy to announce their 9th book

"Forgotten Artists of Early Cinema and The Same Name Confusion"

by Arunkumar Deshmukh (it is first book) and Prof Surjit Singh (it is his 7th book and 5th on Hindi cinema)

Tens of thousands of artists have contributed to Hindi cinema since 1931. Barring a few famous ones, others are long forgotten and are destined for obscurity. Here you will read about more than 30 such artists, eg Khalil, Baakre, Baby Akhtar and Latika. There are scores of others with similar names. Their biographies and filmographies are often mixed up even in well-known books and popular websites. Here you will find reports on more than 25 such cases, eg 2 Shyams, 5 Rajkumars, 9 Gauhars and 2 Shashi Kapoors.

The book is illustrated by more than 60 rare and not-before-seen pictures of these long forgotten artists.

International Edition at


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